I cant live without EZ rides and I put them on every saddle i ever use
and I cant reallly figure out what there is about them that help me
feel more secure.  I dont jam my feet real deep in them.  I kinda
think its that I am not in a fixed position in the stirrup.  because
they are so wide I can kinda angle my feet at an angle that is more
safe and secure for me.  I have very chubby thighs and if you try and
force me into a correct dressage position it just doesnt work at all.
Picture a kid in a snow suit with arms and legs straight out :)
something like that :)  Its more than just not having knee pain after
a while like I do in other stirrups, there really is a sense of
security.  Also in english stirrups I feel like they are too free
moving.  Dont knw why or why I feel EZ rides arent.  Just do. when I
put pressure in the stirrup it doesnt go anywhere real fast like an
english stirrup does...
yipie tie yie yo

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