--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Karen Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On another list, Dawn asked why we need two Icelandic lists, and 
she claims
> that the reason we do is because of Judy's censorship.  Hooey.  In 
the past,
> we've been totally unable to mention non-tolt gaits on other 
> lists, without being told our horses should be eaten, or that we 
should only
> own horses of other breeds.  

I am not really sure what kinds of problems these people have, our 
horses should be eaten for x or y reason. I've heard the same thing, 
I was told not to feel bad, we just have to get used to hearing this 
as Americans, I wonder if the Icelanders would get mad if people 
said their stallions should be eaten when they wing too much, 
somehow I bet they wouldn't like it:) It seems like a huge insult to 
me and I really think these people know they are being insulting. Of 
course the source of the comment has to be taken into account. 

> I'm sorry, but that attack on Judy on another list just makes me 
furious.  I
> hate that I've stooped so low as to respond, but maybe people 
should know
> that "censorship" happens on the list that so often berates Judy.

I censored myself on that list, I un-joined after a week. That's the 
only way I can do it. I just don't really want to hear that stuff, 
so I don't listen to it:) It's that simple. I don't feel I have to 
defend what I am doing and what I believe to any of those people. I 
wonder what makes them feel like they must defend themselves with 
us? If they are so certain they are right, then why do they care?


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