I have two turkeys in my yard anyone can have if you will pay
shipping.  One is about 50 pounds and the other is about 40 and they
are meanern the dickens.  I had a sweet sweet female and she started
setting a nest and some critter came in the night and got her so now I
have these two old toms that are driving me crazy.  They get very mean
in spring and fall when mating season comes.  I think this is why
originally people started killing them around fall for thanksgiving
cause i am thinking of it myself.  I have a healing cut on my hand, a
defensive wound from one of them jumping me and spurring.  My husband
gets all mad when i bring a critter home but after the first day then
we cant get rid of it for any reason.  so now i am being punished for
life for bringing these turkeys home.  standing on the ground their
heads come to chest height on me.
yipie tie yie yo

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