nancy, parrots are irresistably drawn to children, and I bet your son
and a parrot could have a blast for hours "chatting" back and forth :)

Parrots are often like many horses---  there are lots of older ones
needing good homes.  SO many people will buy a nice parrot because it
talks and its charming, not knowing anything about them, but then get
them home and soon grow weary when they find they are loud and messy.
they like to vocalize early in the morning and at sunset and sometimes
just like to scream at the top of their lungs for fun.  African greys
are much quieter than amazons, but it can take them a long time to get
used to a new home.  mine is very shy and growls at anyone who wants
to come look at him and never talks when new people are around but is
a sheer joy as a pet, very quiet and so intelligent its scarey.

I think a mistake many make is assuming parrots should be handled.
Mine only like to be handled by one person or not at all and really
prefer to be left alone in their cage with lots of toys and veggie
treats to demolish, like an ear of corn hanging from a treat holder :)

Check your paper for older parrots needing a good home!

they are very similar to horses, prey animals, fear based, highly
perceptive and emotionally sensitive.

they can be vicious if they have been mistreated, but even one of
those could be a good pet if you will just accept it cant be handled.
I had one once that would bite the tar outa me and hiss "puta!" which
is spanish for, well, prostitute.  He was very definitely calling me a
bad name and when I would scold him he would die laughing like a mean
evil sounding man:)  He was a rescue and i had him many years and
someone who came over now and tehn was so in love with him I gave him
to them.  They call me now and then and let him scream at me thru the
phone :)  he does a car alarm that would split your ear drum!

yipie tie yie yo

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