On Nov 14, 2007 11:31 AM, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I took that picture of Stonewall that I sent from a little video I made of
> him.  He was trotting.  He has a rather odd trot though, because,
> frame-by-frame, it often looked foxtrotty.  But, you could see that his
> diagonal pairs actually land almost perfectly in unison, so it was truly a
> trot.

I still can't find his other hind leg in that photo. I can see the
black hock above the other hock, but can't find his fourth leg!

He's a beautiful horse and very lucky to have found Janice.

I've missed all you guys, it's so nice to be back!


"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

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