>         What is collection? 
> Collection is when the horse gathers himself for
> action by engaging his hindquarters*, shifting his
> balance backward and lightening his forehand. His back
> rounds in a bascule and his neck arches and rises,
> especially at the base. His head is carried high and
> he flexes at the poll, which is the highest point of
> the horse. His movement becomes light and mobile, with
> shorter, higher strides and active hindquarters, and
> he is able to shift his balance instantly in any
> direction. 

Collection has three components, starting with engagement of the
hindquarters, which means that the pelvis is tipped down (tail head
down), bascule (dorsiflexed back), and neck telescoping.

By Joe Andrews:

 Admittedly, I am not a member of the Icelandic Horse community. Until
recently, my exposure to Icelandic Horses has been seeing them
occasionally at an all gaited breed show or the rare privilege of
trail riding with someone who was riding an Icelandic Horse. I am
assisting a client with a four-year-old Icelandic gelding. To help me
understand her horse, my client loaned me a video tape on riding and
training Icelandic Horses.

As I watched the video, I was captivated by the wonderful description
of a perfectly collected equine athlete. What I saw on the screen
however, was nothing like what was being described. I was left with
confusion about the Icelandic Horse community's understanding of
collection. I couldn't believe the person on the tape had no idea of
what collection was, because he used all the right words. It appeared
as if the Icelandic Horse community had totally redefined the words
used to describe collection so they can say their horses are collected.

I would like to share some thoughts on collection and describe how to
analyze a gait for collection. By sharing my perspective, I hope to
help Icelandic Horse owners understand the dichotomy between how the
Icelandic Horse's movement is described and what the horse is actually
doing--in terms of collection. There is nothing wrong with
non-collected gaits that are natural to a given breed. But it is
confusing to describe how the horse is moving in those non-collected
gaits, as being collected.

Understanding Collection

On their own, feral horses rarely move in collection. Collection is
reserved for those extraordinary circumstances--combat, procreation,
and self-preservation--where improved athleticism is needed.
Collection is a rebalancing which provides the horse with the ability
to change speed and direction quickly.

Being ridden is an extraordinary circumstance. When we place the
restriction of a saddle on a horse's back and add our weight to it,
the improved athleticism from the rebalancing of collection helps him
carry us.

The Elements Of Collection

A good way to imagine the mechanics of a horse carrying us on his back
is to think about a suspension bridge. There are two pillars near the
ends of the bridge. The center of the bridge is supported by cables
suspended between the pillars. The cables are anchored securely on one
end and kept tight means of an adjustment mechanism on the other end.
If the cables are loosened, the center of the bridge sags. If the
cables are tightened again, the center of the bridge is lifted.

Engagement of the Hindquarters

First and foremost for collection, there must be an engagement of the
hindquarters; this is the anchor that allows the cables of the bridge
to be tightened. Engagement of the hindquarters requires a tilt of the
pelvis. The lumbo-sacral joint flexes and the pelvis tilts, bringing
the hind legs further underneath the horse. In this position the hind
legs carry more of the horse's weight. The motion of the hind legs
when the hindquarters are engaged is less swinging. The hocks flex
more, lifting the feet and setting them down.

Lifting of the Back

The tilt of the pelvis is accomplished by tightening the abdominal
muscles. This shortens the underline of the horse and lengthens the
top line. As the hind legs of the horse come further forward, the
ribcage is lifted out of the way, causing the back to round up.

Arching of the Neck / Breaking at the Poll

The adjustment mechanism for the cables of our bridge is the horse's
head and neck. As the top line of the horse lengthens, the neck arches
up and forward; the head flexes at the poll as the nose comes down and
in, bringing the face near vertical. This absorbs the extra length of
the top line and helps hold the elevated back.

Collection Vs. Extension

Collection is actually a relative term. When we compare how horses
move, in terms of collection, we are really referring to where their
movement falls on a scale. We could label one end of the scale
"collected" and the other end of the scale "extended."

Looking at trot movements along this scale, from collected to
extended, we see: piaffe, passage, collected trot, working trot, and
extended trot. These movements provide us with a model for determining
the amount of collection in a gait.

Forward Travel

The closer we are to the collected end of the scale, the less forward
travel the gait has. The closer we are to the extended end of the
scale, the more forward travel the gait has. Piaffe is trotting almost
in place. Passage is trotting with very little forward motion. On the
other end of the scale, an extended trot is a very ground covering gait.

Reach and Lift

A well-trained horse will make the transition from piaffe to extended
trot while maintaining the same cadence, or tempo of stride. This is
done by trading reach for lift. At the collected end of the scale, the
feet reach forward very little in each stride--the power of the
movement is lifting the horse's body. As the gait is extended, the
feet reach more, for a longer stride, and the power of the movement
goes into forward motion. At the extended end of the scale, this reach
is at the physical limit of the horse's limbs.


Even though a horse has a short stride and is moving forward very
slowly, he is not collected if he is in ventroflexion. Ventroflexion
means bent toward the belly, or hollow backed. Ventroflexion is the
opposite of collection. It is a result of the hind end dragging out
behind the horse, the neck bending in front of the withers to raise
the head up, and the nose being stuck out. The horse's top line
shortens, his underline lengthens, and the back hollows and drops.

The Physical Development of Collection

Collection and ventroflexion cause very different muscle development.
It is so definite that the muscle development becomes a good indicator
of how the horse is consistently worked.


When we examine the muscling of a horse that has been developed
through collection, we see well-developed muscles along the top of the
neck. The muscles at the bottom of the neck appear underdeveloped by

Conversely, when we examine the muscling of a horse that has been
developed through ventroflexion, the predominant feature is the
massive development of the muscles at the bottom of the neck. In
severe cases, the horse will have the appearance of being ewe-necked.
This development is most obvious when the horse is being ridden with
his head up, and nose out, pushing into the bit.

Abdominal Muscles

A horse in collection uses his abdominal muscles to lift his back.
This causes a noticeable definition of these muscles similar to the
"heave line" seen on a horse that has a chronic cough. I have actually
seen people mistake this muscle development from collection, for an
indication that a horse had a health issue.

Hind End

The increased weight that the hind legs carry when the horse is
collected causes the same muscle development that you see in horses
that are ridden up a lot of hills. There is an increased definition of
the muscles on the back of the upper thigh and the muscle that runs
over the base of the tail.

Analyzing the Tolt for Collection

Examining a movement for collection is a matter of looking at
individual elements and determining where those elements place the
movement on the scale of collection. Once each element is taken into
account, the cumulative effects determine whether that movement should
be called a collected movement or not.

Reach and Forward Travel

The reach seen at tolt is obviously extended. While we could say a
slow tolt is more collected than a fast tolt, the distance between the
feet at the point in the stride where they are furthest apart is
significant. It is this quality that makes the tolt a ground covering
gait. This element places the tolt toward the extended end of the scale.

Engagement of the Hindquarters

If we only looked at one foot, we could easily confuse reach with
engagement; the reach of an extended gait will cause the hind foot to
land quite far under the horse's body. To see engagement of the
hindquarters, we need to look at the entire hind end--the pelvis and
both hind feet--together. We should see a flexion of the lumbo-sacral
joint, and a tilt of the pelvis. The hind legs will visibly be
reaching forward of the hip more than they are swinging behind.

The swinging motion of the hind legs--with little hock flexion--in
tolt, indicates a lack of engagement.

Arching of the Neck / Breaking at the Poll

The neck of a collected horse arches up and forward. The head breaks
at the poll, bringing the face nearly vertical.

The neck of a horse in tolt bends up in front of the withers; the
bottom of the neck is straight and nearly vertical. The head is held
up and the nose out so the face approximates a forty-five degree angle
to the ground. In some cases the face is almost horizontal. Admittedly
my sampling is small, but this is the shape I've seen in tolt. This
shape indicates ventroflexion, not collection. 


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