>>>>I have to admit, that I agree with his assessment above.

> Having come from a mostly dressage background, this has been my
> feeling all along, too.  I know this debate has been tossed around
> many times but to me there is just no question that he is correct.

It's pretty easy to see that the hindquarters are not engaged in tolt.  It's 
pretty easy to see that the back is not in bascule in tolt.  It's pretty 
easy to see that the neck is not telescoped in tolt.

If one looks only at the head, it may be confusing.  But if one looks only 
at the head, it's the wrong place to look!

The set of the head (where the horse places his head when the components of 
collection are in place) is a gift that the horse gives the rider, and it 
will appear with "draped reins" (per the masters), and not with contact.

Icelandic trainers haven't yet started studying equine biomechanics.  For 
education and information, we look to those who are familiar with that area.

Here's an interesting discussion on raising the base of the neck:



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