I dont blanket my icies, but here I think my other horses need it now
and then, not because it is cold, but because like today, the roller
coaster of temperature is just unreal.  The temp today is supposed to
drop 40 degrees between now and midnight, so its 71 now, sunny and
humid, rained this morning a little so they will have long winter hait
that is damp to the skin.  Then after dark very windy, so there will
be windchill, temps below freezing.  My donkey in particular, one
morning when temps dropped similarly I went out to feed and he was
standing off just looking miserable and wouldnt come eat so I walked
out to check on him and he was shivering, shaking like a leaf.  I
called in sick that morning and drove to jeffers and bought him a

I really think its what they are used to.  and they cant get used to a
drop in one day from sunny and warm, almost hot, then go with damp
winter coat to below freezing and blasting north winds.  not out in
the open like mine are...

altho many many do, so all but the donkey, I'm real sure they could
live without being blanketed, its nice to do it for them tho I think!
But the donkey, i think if wet especially it can be really hard on
yipie tie yie yo

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