I think we are talking about ten different subjects at once here too
:)  One is should you blanket iceys and I think we all agree NO.  Then
are Iceys cooler clipped and we all agree YES, altho I dont think I
would clip mine in winter.  I only clip mine in fall and spring cause
they have winter coat while its still so hot here.  Then we are
discussing i think whether or not furry animals have a cooling system,
a nature made one, from different coats and I think yes but others no,
then whether arabs long white clothes are cooler, I think yes because
it would protect from sunburn and the skirts would allow drafts---  I
think this because here I am not allowed to wear shorts to work in
summer so I wear loose gauzy skirts and sandals and it works the same
:)  and then what else....  oh, does wetting yourself down work the
same as hair on a dog, yes and no, and would you want to wear a sweaty
bra, no.
yipie tie yie yo

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