On 11/23/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>my mom thought long hair would zap your strength even tho she believed 
> >>>>the samson stry in the bible where cutting his hair zapped his strength.  
> >>>>But then she also believed green tennis shoes would kill
> Oh my gosh, Janice, you're too much.  Now...I can honestly say it: "I read 
> somewhere that green tennis shoes will kill you."
> Snopes is going to have to add a special page, just for Janice-isms.  :)

i always tell people that and they always laugh, then one day I told
an old man and he said "well,you know when the first green dyes came
out some were made from toxic plants and some people died from it."

So its like my mother also said "someday you are gonna realize i wasnt
so dumb after all."
yipie tie yie yo

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