> stjarni could have gone for my soda or my chips, too, but it was all
> about the TUNA.  (he normally gets hay, minerals, salt, hay stretcher,
> and a hoof supplement.)

ok, i am gonna go home and put out some hay and some salted herring.
I will get some video of what they choose.  also, fwiw, only Tivar and
Nasi and Curly Ray will eat carrots, the rest of my horses act like I
am trying to poison them with carrots.  Only Tivar and Stonewall will
eat peppermint.  The rest blow at it and back away.  so i dont think
we can therefore deduce that Tivar loves carrots and peppermints
because he is icelandic.  I think from my knowlege of him and his
habits we can deduce that Tivar will eat anything, not because he is
icelandic but because he is a food hog.  I bet he would even eat hot
dogs and ice cream and birthday cake and I KNOW he enjoys chicken
layer pellets a great deal, so we can maybe assume all icelandic
horses will choose layer pellets when given a choice between that and
hay because one time I caught him going for the layer pellets when
there was an entire roll of hay at his disposal...

yipie tie yie yo

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