On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 02:06:24PM -0600, Janice McDonald wrote:
> > > what do you think of changing stjarni's barefoot trim so he can trot?
> > >
> > How would that be done?

mostly it seemed to involve giving him a beveled edge, rather than
leaving the hoof wall long where it developed many chips and seemed
painful and sensitive.  but i am not a farrier; this is just an
uninformed observation.

> walking horse people who alter gait say to cure pace you weight the
> frint, to cure trot you weight the back.  I bet starnji's change had
> something to do with the rear feet.  or would that be the opposite...
> maybe the rear feet were cut too short or too long?

his rear feet had been bare for almost a year, and aside from some
what my farrier called "slight flaring" near the heels were in good


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