>>>Because a caveson noseband doesn't stabilize the bit.
> Because the noseband sits under the bit it keeps it from sliding through 
> the
> horse's mouth should a rider have more contact on one rein than the other.

I'm just curious as to the why's of using a dropped noseband.

What about the horses who use a snaffle and do not have the problem of the 
bit sliding thru the horse's mouth?

Would that be a rider problem or a horse problem?  In either case, could it 
be addressed with training?

Do you think that the horse can learn to stabilize the bit himself?  should 
he?  Are we short-changing the horse if we don't allow him to learn how to 
do this?

> It also gives us something to steady a horse with when people are 
> mounting.

Could a cavesson do the same trick?

Why not use a browband and throatlatch?


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