I know some of you on the list have goats - yesterday I found one of
my 2007 kids (now about 8 months old) dead, for no apparent reason.

He's a wether (castrated male) Golden Guerney x Saanen, and appeared
to be perfectly healthy. Yesterday morning he was grazing happily with
the others in a field they've been in for years (so nothing poisonous
or anything like that) then yesterday evening I found him in the goat
shed, dead, with him mum and sister standing over him looking very
sad. Not a mark on him, no sign of anything wrong at all including in
his mouth.

All the rest of the goats and sheep appear perfectly healthy.

Anybody got any thoughts/suggestions?


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: 

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