On 20/12/2007, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is a nice behind!  Gosh he is as big as Tivar and I swear, I
> SWEAR Tivar has more winter coat.  what is UP with that....  I was
> gonna shave him and nas again but it froze and now another freeze is
> on the way.  Do you have northen lights wanda??  If so will you get a
> photo for us?  And maybe some video?  I want to see them once in my
> lifetime!

I haven't seen any yet, but then I haven't been looking lately.

You'll have to come up here and experience them for yourself.  Pics or
video does not do them justice.  There is one Canadian painter that
comes close to capturing them on canvas...his name is .... Glen
Scrimshaw (glad I remembered that).



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