On 12/21/07, Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can donkeys be ridden?  I saw these sweeties for sale on Atlantic
> Rider -- they look like bunnies.

oh yes.  jesus and mary rode donkeys remember ...  they have to be
trained really really young or they will never do anything if left to
pasture for years and then brought out for training.  I know a man who
raises donkeys and he says he has them as soon as they are weaned
pulling a tiny cart with a halter on and wearing a saddle and loading
in a trailer, having their feet picked up etc, then he said after all
that he just puts them out to pasture.  Then when they are old enough
to be broke they are fine with it.  I know what he says is true.
Because my curly ray will not get in a trailer.  You have to pick him
up like a recliner chair.  Thank goodness he doesnt kick or fight it.
also I know a woman who has to blindfold her jenny to move her from
one paddock to the next because she hit a hot wire ONE time and from
that day on will not leave her paddock without a huge fight.

they will just rather die than do something if they are afraid.  I
would try and drag curly to take a bath and then one day I heard a
funny noise and looked and he was actually choking on the rope halter.
 Gosh I felt awful.  now he is just nasty all the time but he hates
baths and he wont get in a trailer.  he was 6 years old when he was
given to me and had always been in a pasture and never asked to do
anything, thank goodness he is ok with getting his feet done.  My
farrier won't do a kicking horse or mule or donkey unless you have a
vet out to sedate them first.

i personally believe the way you train a donkey is a good way to do a
young horse, to get them to wear a saddle and sidepull around as a
yearling etc so they think nothing of it when you get ready to really
train them.  its so stressful to be started under saddle, is good I
think to have them thinking a saddle is no big deal by that time.
When I put nasi's saddle on he always turns and gazes at it real long
like "oh there is that thing again."  haha
yipie tie yie yo

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