On 12/21/07, JR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Horses use thier senses to observe the world around them.  On a windy
> day, everything is moving, making them think something might be hiding
> in there.  The wind also brings tons of new smells and for all they
> know that dog or something is right behind that moving bush.  The wind
> also dulls their hearing.  Can't hear, weird smells, everything moving,
> and it feels like something is touching them.  Other then taste, thier
> whole world has been shaken up.
> JR
> Molly and Jacky

yes JR, thats a good post...  today I worked with my stonewall for a
long time and he was relaxed and loving and happy.  I went inside and
had some chicks hatching in my incubator and got blood on my shirt and
hands, then an egg that didnt hatch exploded and I got rotten egg on
me and I was going to throw it in the laundry and saw stonewall
outside licking some dirty sandy celery i had thrown out for the
chickens.  When I went out he leaned and sniffed my shirt and when he
did he jumped away, eyes wild.  He obviously smelled blood and death
and it scared him.  maybe he was wondering where I went.  Maybe he
thought it was like invasion of the body snatchers haha.  One time a
hunter came out of the woods in camo gear and stonewall freaked but
when the man called out and stonewall realized he was a man, he
relaxed...  lord only knows what they see or hear...
yipie tie yie yo

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