Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 2.  There is a brio thing with pasos that they train
> for that is sorta
> magnificent and at the same time, scarey.
Hi Janice,  brio is very misunderstood quality. It
does not mean "hotness" it has nothing to do with
"macho."  What it is, is a willingness to do whatever
is asked of it.  A Paso with brio will go all day if
asked. They will literally die for their rider if
pushed to that point.  It should not be a scary thing
and is often confused with "hotness." It is usually
something a horse is born with.  Mine has very little
> 4.  and you can generalize about races to an extent.
>  Hispanic people
> for instance are very family oriented and
> matriarchal.
Yes people do generalize about races but it often
indicates a lack of understanding about the diversity
within a population.  The so-called Hispanic Culture
is made of of people from many different countries and
races who happen to speak a common language.  Think of
all the English speaking countries and the differences
in between the cultures there.   Hispanics are all
individuals just as are persons of European descent.

I am not saying you are prejudiced. I am sure you are
not.  No apology needed. I just think it is important
to look at people as individuals.  


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