On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 12:43:23PM -0800, Nancy  Sturm wrote:
> As far as training the hot horse at home before taking him to a field trial 
> or endurance race, I have to agree in theory with Vicka, but have found in 
> actual practice that it isn't really possible to set up a field trial 
> environment or a ridecamp at home.  The only way we have been able to get 
> train for the  the experience has been to  actually do it.  I finally 
> dedicated several competitions year before last to schooling Hunter.  

actually i think that's a very good way to do it -- expose the horse to
the environment, but don't expect to participate.  keep your horse away
from others, stay "nearby" but not "in" groups, &c.  my old barn used to
bring young horses to shows and not enter them in classes, just walk
aorund a bit on a lead, then walk under saddle with a calm buddy from
home.  baby steps, the goal being to avoid freakout levels along the way.

(i do think some horses are always going to be too "hot" for some
situations -- our barn does parades, and some horses always require a
ground crew, and some horses will simply never be safe there.  i think
that's ok, but i do think there has to be a limit to "training" out
where it presents a hazard to bystanders.)


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