> > > gaited eye candy there...  and he was aced.  
> What is 'aced'?

injected with ace, a horse sedative/tranquilizer.  They ace your horse
to perform surgery for instance.  they inject a small amount to calm.
one man told me he knows trainers who train with it.  inject a small
amount and when it is riding well with that, inject a slightly smaller
amount every day til its getting by real well on no ace.  Some give
their horses nyquil.  I gave stonewall Quietex one time and he started
sweating and acting even crazier.  I gave him magnesium supplement
which is suppose to calm and in the pasture he was standing around
like "I know I should be feeling SOMETHING but I cant remember
what...."  then when I rode him I noticed no change whatsoever.  Thats
when I gave up on calmers.  I changed his feed once to a cheaper feed
that made him a little more nervous and he really hurt me doing a 360
spin so I went back to the feed he is on now, which believe it or not
he is relatively calm on.
yipie tie yie yo

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