stjarni doesn't like mud or non-packed sand, and we go slowly through
both.  i *do* make him go through the occasional puddle without breaking
gait (whether tolt, trot, or canter) if the ground is otherwise okay --
sometimes he jumps the puddle, sometimes not.

packed sand and fresh snow are his real favorites, i think.  dry dirt is
okay too, but we have very little of that in our area that isn't full of
granite rocks ranging from fist-sized to person-sized, so that's not
great footing in my book.  we also have some dirt-and-gravel roads, and
he detests gravel.  i don't blame him actually.  (i *think* he's happier
now on gravel with a decent barefoot trim, but it hasn't been long
enough for me to really psych him out on the matter.)

stjarni doesn't mind "bushwhacking" and will often choose the edge of a
trail, which involves trampling blueberry bushes and whacking me with
low-hanging tree branches, over the middle, where there are more rocks.
i let him do this because after all, they're his feet; i snuggle down on
the inside of his neck and try to keep my legs where they belong :)

at the barn stjarni is known as "mister fussy-foot" because most of the
other horses will take on most footing without thinking so much.  i have
no idea if they are just used to it, have better feet (i think they're
all shod just in front), or aren't as smart as my ponykins.


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