Hi everyone,
I am new to this group. I have a 3 year old icelandic called Ofeig. She 
is being clicker trained. I have been trying to figure out the gaits 
and getting confused. She is unbacked of course at her young age but 
lifts her feet really well, loads into a trailer, stands tied or untied 
and I have even longlined her in figure of 8 before the rain came down 
and made everything muddy. She leads well on the road and isn't 
bothered by traffic or birds, cows, sheep or dogs. She also comes when 
called. She leads without anything in paddock or yard and stable. I 
know she trots and does something like a fast walk (looks like someone 
trying to walk quickly in high heals and a tight skirt) it sounds 4 
beat. She is supposed to be 5 gaited out of skygnir fra stutterie sonne.
She is amazingly calm and very forgiving. She is my first horse along 
with a 22 year old grey who is partially sighted due to REU. She is an 
extremely safe riding horse but not for jumping due to tendon surgery. 
She has a lovely trot and canter. I will be getting a riding arena in 
the next couple of months, planning permission awaited. I'm not sure 
about the surface so any advice will be welcome on that matter.
I'm hoping to learn about the gaits. I have 'Dream Team' and Lee 
Zeiglers book so I understand some of it. Maybe the rest will come with 
practice and video. I like the 'what gait is this horse doing?' videos 
but where do I find the answers?
Sue, Lincolnshire, UK

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