> I have a 3 year old icelandic called Ofeig. She
> is being clicker trained. I have been trying to figure out the gaits
> and getting confused. She is unbacked of course at her young age

Hi Susan, if you can get some video of her moving, we can check out what 
she's doing.

> know she trots and does something like a fast walk (looks like someone
> trying to walk quickly in high heals and a tight skirt) it sounds 4
> beat.

It may be a flat walk.  A video will be helpful.

> I'm hoping to learn about the gaits. I have 'Dream Team' and Lee
> Zeiglers book so I understand some of it. Maybe the rest will come with
> practice and video. I like the 'what gait is this horse doing?' videos
> but where do I find the answers?

The answers are not written down anywhere specifically.  We generally 
discuss them both here and on the gaitedhorse list.


Is there any particular video that you are interested in?


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