>>>> If you look at the pictures that I posted, you can see that Blessi is 
>>>> 14 plus hands (and he is an import).  I am 5'6" or 66 inches; Blessi is 
>>>> 57".  His shoulders are are a little above my shoulder.

In my original post, I said that Blessi could be one of the few who really 
is 14.1H.  I sure don't know him, so I wouldn't say.   I just know that most 
of the Icelandic's who are touted as 14+H that I've seen are nowhere close. 
I don't really care how tall ANY individual Icelandic is...or isn't.  What 
does bother me is the need that some people seem to feel to exaggerate their 
heights, and to pretend that they aren't ponies.   It seems sad to me when 
people can't accept -  what the breed is, and not feel compelled to deny 
what they are.     It also bothers me to hear any of the other questionable 
myths we hear about the breed.  This is a wonderful breed, and there's no 
need to embellish their traits or their histories.  I think they are pretty 
darned cool - even sticking to the cold, hard facts.  ;)

Karen Thomas, NC

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