On 1/31/08, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

haha funny about your bug allergy but not the pneumonia!!  As for
Nasi, the way I read it, it says if a horse is in that intermediate
range and has no symptoms, he may have developed a tolerance over
time.  I do know his dam has it, came down with it when she moved to
W. Va., and I know she didnt have it in Texas after being imported
because I was there in SE season and she was fine.  But I am taking no
chances, I will blanket at first sign!

but the way I read it, some can be around it from birth and have it
but develop antigens or whatever they are called and not develop
symptoms.  I bet if Nasi was born in Calif and lived there til now and
then came to me he would have it full blown like Tivar.  And I bet if
Tivar had been tested as a four year old in Calif it would have shown
he had reactions, but there were not many gnats there!  And maybe if
he had been born here, or texas where gnats are all the time, he may
have developed a tolerance.  Thats my take on it...  But whats weird,
is stonewall has shown symptoms, a scabby ventril line at the same
time Teev was broken out real bad.  and he isnt icelandic and had no
other symptoms.  he is almost 7 years.

courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway--John Wayne

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