i found with amazons, they talk before they are weaned!  they would be
saying gooood boy! when i would spoon them their formula, wouldnt even
have feathers yet.  Then I got my grey.  not a word.  The amazons
would be saying a half word, two words, stringing together sentences
or songs one word at at time, in my high pitched girly voice, always.
Would pick up a word or two from the tv.  the grey, nothing.  I began
to think he was one of the greys who wouldnt talk.  and like karen
said, after about a year he suddenly very quietly, in my husbands
voice, or in exactly the pitch, range tone etc of some device, mimic
it so precisely it wasnt a parrot mimicing, it WAS the thing, exactly.
 I think the first thing he did was my dog would bark to come inside.
I wouldnt even remember putting her out.  I would get up, go to the
door, no dog.  The grey even added "distance" in the sound, not just
the exact barking, but the distance of when a dog is outside and not
in.  You should hear him do the aria from my cell phone.  its EXACTLY
perfect, same pitch.
courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway--John Wayne

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