On Feb 7, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Karen Thomas wrote:

>>>>> But that ride showed me that Rosa,  who had been an annoyingly 
>>>>> pissy
>>>>> mare for the slower NATRC Novice rides, *did* have the "heart" for 
>>>>> he
>>>>> longer distances and more challenging trails.
> I don't care to put my horses through situations where they are 
> "annoyingly
> pissy" just to compete in sports that *I* want to do.

Rosa was extremely hormonal, always in heat, and didn't like to have 
people starting at her -- as in judges in NATRC.  She *really* hated 
the show ring with the spectators.

But she liked the trail (as long as she wasn't being stared at) and 
never needed to be touched by my heels or a quirt (and never was).  I'd 
just make a kissy sound and she would go down the trail, ears forward,  
until I said whoa.  In Peruvian lingo she had brio (willingness to 
work) -- other breeds call it heart.

Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

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