
I'm trying to get Dakota straighten out with the right saddle, the 
right bit, etc.  I have ordered a Bob Marshall saddle, so I think 
that will take care of that.  However, I use a kimberwick on him 
right now.  It is hard to get him to stop sometimes.  He likes to 
bolt or just plain ignore you.  I have a nose band because he eats 
everything in site on the trail.  I don't want to go severe because 
he really is a good boy he just has a tough neck and a mind of his 
own.  Any suggestions?  I started riding English, but have since 
gone back to Western/endurance.  Not sure which but not English for 
sure.  Any suggestions?  Let me tell you what he did this weekend 
first:  we were on a trail trotting away.  There is a spot in the 
trail that leads down to a waterhole with lots of rocks that we 
cross sometimes.  Everytime we get near it, he decides he is going 
down and through and home.  I expected it Saturday and he faked me 
out and nearly passed the spot and turned a perfect "L" to he left 
with his next and flipped is back end around to the right like a 
cutting horse and down in to the water he went.  I got him stopped 
in the middle of the pond/waterhole and turned him around and went 
back up with everyone else, but I well could have done without that 
one.  Tweaked the back it did.  About a mile further on he decided 
to buck and bolt.  No idea why.  That's about it.  Judy

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