Wow, I typed a reply and it went to never, never land. So if you see 
two posts, one is incomplete.  Sorry

I really appreciate all the feedback.  I don't think Dakota is barn 
sour because it is only at that one place he likes to turn and go.  He 
is fine at all the locations we have come and gone from.  We go a 
different way every time so I don't know why he would associate just 
this particular place with home.  

The saddle I use right now was used on a Halflinger (spelling).  I 
finally was able to ride Dakota enough to get him sweaty.  There was a 
dry spot under the saddle which is one dry spot too many.  As you 
know, I have ordered a trial Bob Marshall.  The reason I believe the 
Bob Marshall will be the right saddle is that it is treeless and is 
supposed to conform to his body and make him feel like he is being 
ridden bareback.  Whatever I can do to make him and I both as 
comfortable as possible is my goal.  You would think he would be sore, 
but there seems to be no pain on his back or sides.

The farrier and vet have both checked him out so there is no health 
issues thank God.  I have done some clicker training but the people at 
the barn laugh until they see some of the tricks he can do.  I have 
gotten him to stand at the mounting block and come when I call.  I am 
going back to clicker training though.  I have all the books.  Again, 
if anyone has any other suggestions, I am taking them all.  I have 
read everything available on the Icelandic Horse Connection website.  
Judy Ryder is awesome and so are all of you.  Again, Thanks.  Judy 

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