> Have you tried some of the natural horsemanship exercises?  I really like
> the Parelli Seven Games.  I started dabbling in NH before Parelli was such 
> a
> big name, so I sort of have my own blend of methods now, not "pure" 
> Parelli,
> but for someone starting out, the Seven Games are wonderful - very simple
> and step-by-step, but powerful...and FUN.  Or they should be fun - that's
> why they are called GAMES.  :)   The coolest thing is that you can work on
> your relationship with ground exercises - where it's much harder for you 
> to
> get injured  - while developing your relationship with your horse.  It's 
> the
> best of both, building a relationship while staying safe.  The exercises 
> and
> trust continues on into your riding time too.

Good post!

The 7 games:  http://iceryder.net/7games.html

It's not so much about teaching the horse, it helps the owner learn more 
about horsemanship, how a horse moves, how to communicate, how to receive 
communication from the horse.


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