>>> Karen  how old is your house? Were you raised there?

I was born on this farm (well, literally in a hospital of course, but I came 
home to this farm) but I've lived in four different houses here.   My 
husband and I had this house built in 1990, but the farm buildings you see 
in some of my pictures are pretty old, some dating back to the 1910's and 
1920's.  The big old early/mid-1880's house got a bad case of termites as my 
grandparents' health declined in the late 1950's-early 1960's, and they 
didn't notice until pretty late.  I was twelve when my parents had it torn 
down to build the house my mom still lives in, and it broke my heart.   I'd 
just read Gone With the Wind, and saw the movie, and to a twelve-year-old, 
that old house was my family's Tara.  I understand now that it would have 
been a money trap to restore, much less try to maintain, but it was a great 
old house.  I have some pictures of it that I really should scan, but it was 
not in the best shape by the time I was old enough to use a camera.

Karen Thomas, NC

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