Hi Mic

I had this experience last week when I went down to Reykjavik to ride with a 
friend and it turned out that the horse I was gonna ride was in a thin 
condition (brown gelding) and I pointed that out that "this horse shouldn´t get 
any thiner to just be able to build more mucles and so on....." we are going 
toghter in a horse trip this summer 8 day´s long....

Then I saw the mare we was going to take with us in hand.......I mare that has 
been in my place for two years ago then with a foal by the side....
my gosh! awful if you lay your hands on her side you could feel all ribb´s and 
tip your finger down between them!!

then I honestly turned to him and said "if this mare was in my herd and the 
animal inspector came to my place I would get a warning" I said and looked him 
in the eye´s.

yes I know she a little bit thin she was when we brought her in from winter 
pasture ect,ect....
and I said then you just simply have to give her food not just hay when she is 
in this condition she burns mucle´s not build them I said as I know he do work 
out a lot and know´s what I´m talking about (Im a former football player and 
alway´s talk about horses as an athlet to thoose that are working out having 
diet´s and that mostly turne´s out good)

My friend don´t own this mare it´s another person (also a man) when the turned 
up in the stable my friend simply said  hey! Malin don´t think we feed them 
enough!  then the man walked up to my friends dun gelding and said this one is 
at least very fat  I put my hand on the horse and said this is nothing you 
starw away you ride to build up mucles and with this fat on you will be faster 
to build him up vs the brown gelding you will have to feed him diffient so he 
can both build and burn in the same time!

Hope it goes well for you Mic

This is what I did but I don´t know yet if it worked........

Regards Malin

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