did anybody see that movie, waiting for guffman?  Its about a play,
and a broadway producer is coming from ny to their little town to see
their play and they are so excited.  Well, here I am, waiting for
Jeffers.  I am so excited.  They are coming to take photos of my
horses to POTENTIALLY use on their shampoo labels and in catalogs.  (I
live near them and sent them photos offering my horses).  I am so
excited!  Now they have called and will be an hour late.  All of you,
just do this.  Go out and look at your horses from the perspective of
"professional model".  Boy is it an eye opener.  I mean, not even
"parade ready" is good enough.  Jaspar is the main subject because of
his long long mane.  He is boney skinny, has long winter coat that is
actually curly and weird.  He has a big weird V cut out of one hoof
that the farrier did for some reason.  His nose hairs are 8 inches
long and to clip them I would have to ace him.  Tivar, SE sufferer, is
actually a good prospect.  I have had him in a "slinky" for a week so
he is sorta sleek and glossy, I put baby powder in his mane, altho
hasnt grown out totally from rubbing it out last spring, is very
definitely puffy and full.  I put baby powder in it to make it fuller
and sprayed some sorrel coat stuff on his white spots.  But he is
aggravated and grumpy at being tied to the washrack with a hay bag.
They all want turnout but I am witholding til jeffers gets here cause
they want "natural environment" photos with "action if possible" so I
am making it where they want turnout so bad they will run around like
nuts.  I have been out there since 5 AM and last nite til 10.  I put
some stuff all over jaspar to make him glossy and shiney and it just
made him look like he has shiney spots here and there, sorta
highlights his boneyness and hunters bump.  I put powder on stonewalls
green and manure brown spots on his leg stockings and on his nose.
His nice mane is faded black, his nice blue roan dark color faded by
dull winter coat shedding...  they were supposed to be here at ten,
called, will be here at 11:30....  if they dont use my horses in the
pics I may never shop there again, wich believe me would be a terrible
financial loss to them. i bet they would go bankrupt.   In fact, when
I told my husband about it he said "are you sure they arent doing this
because you are the customer of the year or something?"  anyway.  I
shouldnt talk about it and jinks it but I  am so excited!!  I will
take pics!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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