For the platform, I "cheated" since my husband isn't the handy type. I used
an old tractor tire and filled it with dirt. Not the most elegant, but it
fits into my budget and doesn't require maintenance.

I got a video on Platform training at Imagine A Horse:

I don't endorse all his videos - I was just interested in activities Trinity
and I could do to engage his mind without affecting his sore feet.

Btw, the black/white horse in the Trick Fundamentals II is Sheryl Crowe's
old horse and he's for sale at Evening Shade Farm (where I got my horse

I think the next Savvy Club from Parelli has a section on how to teach your
horse to play with a ball. I taught Trinity by allowing him to have a piece
of grass every time he shot the ball a far way (either nose or kick). He
caught on to this SO FAST that as I said now I have to slow him down. I
think he would be fantastic for clicker training, and I've been studying
your web site for more information on this.

I happen to love ground work and I think it's good for both me and the
horse. I'm not one of those who thinks that horses are only good for riding,
and if you can't ride then why have the horse. That being said, I've already
got two retirees, so my next horse will need to be VERY sound. Trinity and I
only had a few short years of riding together, and we had a few "issues" as
many do. I felt it was my responsibility to learn more about how to  work
with him so we could be partners. It was up to me - I didn't see him out
there studying DVD's to learn how to work with ME!! HAHA

I've loved watching everyone's videos and hearing your experiences. I've
learned so much!

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