Following A Feel
By Brent Graef

There's a difference between a horse who is escaping pressure versus a horse 
who is willingly following a feel.

I use firmness to block the undesirable, not to get the horse to do what I 
would like him to do. I do not methodically "up the pressure" until the 
horse finds a way to escape it. I don't want my horses looking to escape 
pressure, but I want them to be with me mentally... to feel to me, and to 
follow the feel that I'm presenting.

When I'm trailer loading a horse, I don't make it so difficult and 
uncomfortable outside that the horse goes in looking for relief. I want the 
trailer to be a good place for him to go, a comfortable place... not just 
the lesser of two evils.

A lot of good horsemen refer to "a feel following a feel." I would say this 
more closely describes what I prefer to do. I might make a request and get 
some sort of feedback from the horse. I adjust my feel based on what that 
feedback is. I don't just methodically up the pressure. Quite a few horses 
seem offended by that "upping the pressure" approach. Good horsemanship is 
not about phases. It's about clarity, feel, and timing.

Instead of getting firmer, improve your timing. Learn cadence. The best time 
to influence moving a horse's foot is as it's about to leave the ground. 
Notice that when you're doing groundwork; and learn to feel it from the 

We want softness in our horses... we should make our request with softness, 
good feel, and good timing. If the horse doesn't understand what we're 
asking, we need to make sure that we're being very clear; then give him the 
opportunity to search for the right answer.

There is a HUGE difference between a horse moving to evade pressure, and a 
horse that is following a feel, seeking the release. Evading pressure is 
avoidance, and creates brace. A horse that is following a feel and searching 
for a release is a horse that is thinking, and is much more likely to be 
supple and soft.

We should be using "feel and clarity", and give the horse plenty of time to 
search for the answer.



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