On Apr 22, 2008, at 10:04 PM, Judy Ryder wrote:
  Following A Feel
By Brent Graef

There's a difference between a horse who is escaping pressure versus  
a horse
who is willingly following a feel.

Thanks Judy!

Beautifully put,  I learned the "up the pressure" method when I  
started out and became increasingly unhappy with the results.  Now I  
am trying to figure out how to really use feel and timing, and it is  
difficult (at least for me) and I backslide a lot.  A lot of the time  
I come in wondering why things weren't working and then realize that  
I was trying to make something happen, instead of setting it up and  
letting it happen.

A couple more great quote from Tom Dorrance:

"The thing you are trying to help the horse do is to use his own  
mind. You are trying to present something and let him figure it out  
how to get there."


"Don't try to move his feet. Leave that to him."

The first time I read that second quote I thought "well, of course  
the horse moves his own feet -- duh",   a year later when I was re- 
reading True Unity it hit me like a ton of bricks  -- I had been  
trying to move my horses feet, not getting to his mind and letting  
him figure out where his feet needed to be.  Of course the  
realization is just the beginning.  How the heck do I reach my horses  
mind?  Still working on that part!


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