> the race track industry sees benefit in switching to synthetic surfaces
> which are less concussive on the horse's legs for long-term soundness

Turf experts have been sent to Hong Kong to get the best footing for the 
Equestrian Olympics:

The Olympic cross-country course at Beas River in Hong Kong has met all 
parameters for quality of the turf, the shock-absorbency of the footing, and 
its drainage ability. The turf has been declared ready for the cross-country 
portion of the eventing competition at the Olympics this August.

The turf experts in the Hong Kong Jockey Club's tracks department are the 
men in charge of planting the grass to provide perfect footing for the 
horses. The planting project at Beas River was completed in March 2007. From 
then on, the turf experts have given the grasses their personal attention, 
including daily inspection.

The Club has invested around HK$28 million ($3.5 million USD) in the 
cross-country footing at Beas River, including refurbishing the jump zones 
with sand and planting a total 45,000 square meters (about 11 acres) of 
Bermuda grass on the Beas River competition course and warm-up areas.


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