Judy, thank you.  Isn't that just the most wonderful life?

I love what she said about riding alone.  I often ride with friends, and 
that's always nice, but my most wonderful moments on horseback have come 
when riding alone.  Sunday morning  I took Tosca out.  It was cool and 
cloudy when we left the barn, but the sun came out, the grass sparkled, the 
wildflowers were in bloom and without any other horses about, Tosca was 
completely tuned to me.  I stopped every now and then to rest her and let 
her munch a little grass and leaned forward to love on her neck.  I know 
it's not "safe", but if you ever hear that my horse came back without me, 
please don't feel bad.  Know that I was one happy woman, just before I flew 


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