nasi stepped on a baby geese and squished it.  a gander bit curly ray
on the sheath.  I weigh taped stonewall, who is borderline obese, and
he weighed 1180 lbs and then I weigh taped jaspar, who is borderline
boneyard thin and he weighed 1154.  up from 915 last september. They
are about the same height.  but i swear Jas doesnt look that much
fatter!!  I called the donkey man fri and said come get your Jenny,
her and curly have done nothing but fight for a month now.  Then I
look out and she is making the donkey love sign at him, flattening
ears and chewing teeth at him and he is looking back at her
skeptically like "is this a trick??"  so had to call and tell the
donkey man to wait a week.  She has been here over 21 days, her cycle.
so I bet when she first arrived she was at the very end of her heat
cycle and he went nuts over it and she thought he was pushy and rude
so wouldnt let him and maybe thats why they kicked and bit each other
til they were covered in scabs.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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