> "Five full-grown horses, moving into six to eight-inch grass, will
> need only one tenth of an acre, or approximately sixty by seventy 
> of new grass to consume for the day.

So my two need approx one thirtieth every day.
 Most people think in terms of two
> and three acres per paddock. We actually think in terms of sixty by
> seventy feet for five full-grown horses."

How many feet is that? Depends on the width I guess.

> So if you allow grass four weeks to re-grow after a day of grazing,
> five horses could be supported full time on a total of just three
> acres of good pasture! This "intensive rotational grazing" requires
> subdividing your pasture into many small paddocks, and moving your
> horses to a new one daily.
I nearly do this by strip grazing and back fencing. 
Then I spoil it all and let them loose to gallop and frolick in the 
whole paddock. So for two ponies one acre is enough? I find that is 
so in the fast growing period. There isn't much of that. Also the 
buttercup is a pest. I left it too late to spray this year again. 
Well I couldn't spray under water anyway.
Anyone got any buttercup eradication ideas that work?
Sue Coombes

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