>Price of hay at $250.00 per ton<

I guess it's all relative... we are paying $23.00 a BALE for 100 lb bales of
compressed timothy hay (11% protein/7% sugars/carbs).  We will breath a sigh
of major relief when our house here sells & we move to Bend where grass hay
is $250.00 per ton/$9.00 per bale.  This is why I only keep as many horses
as I know I can care for in the manner I prefer...calculating the horse
keeping costs prices (farrier/hay/supplements/Vet/dentristry)  in 20 years
which would be close to my horses life span.  As they age, they may not be
able to eat hay & may need special feeds which need to be factored in as
well.  My 3 horses are all 20+ yo now & care costs will rise as they age.

14 years ago when I got back into horses & my two Iceys were 8 ish, I would
have loved to buy more Iceys as I truly love them, but realized that cost of
horse keeping would keep rising & the reality was I could only afford my 2
Iceys+ my old retired mare.  I probably won't be able to afford another
riding horse even if one of my boys becomes unridable until my mare passes
over....& at 26yo , I swear she keeps getting younger looking/acting each


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