I'd love suggestions on  specific weight loss programs people have used.

Sadly, it's just like people:  increased exercise and reduced caloric 
intake.  We have had an unusually wet winter and spring here and the pasture 
grasses are just lush at the boarding faility where I keep Hunter and Tosca. 
Their solution for some of the idle horses has to be to pull them off grass 
and into the largest available pen and feed them grass hay only.  Because 
they take a lot of geriatric horses and former show horses who have been 
injured in various ways, there are quite a few that don't get any exercise 
other than the moving around they do in pasture.

For horses like Tosca, Tali(Arab gelding) and Prize (Appaloosa gelding) 
adequate exercise keeps weight in the safe range.  Tosca and Prize both had 
to be taken off grass last year for a period, even with exercise.


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