>>> Next week is the Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento.  Drifa and I 
>>> are going to be in Davis Lichman's demo - we are the ones who don't do 
>>> gaits and David will show people how to get the gaits using us.  So, I 
>>> am studying up on gaits so I have some clue about what I will be doing. 
>>> Yikes!  I have David's DVD's - "Gaiting Naturally" and am trying to make 
>>> some sense of it all. How much can a person learn about gaits in a week?

First, congratlations for this honor!  Ok, next question: is he supposed to 
demonstate "the gaits", or just show that a horse can "gait" using natural 
methods?   It's a big distinction to me, even if I haven't phrased it 
clearly, and I probably didn't.   I have those videos, but honestly, I 
didn't learn anything about "the gaits" from them.  What I DID see is that 
horses don't have to be padded, cranked up, shod specially or whatever in 
order to do a gait.  I saw that horses can be ridden in a natural, no-force 
way based on Natural Horsemanship and whatever gait the horses has naturally 
should bubble forth.  That's reassuring, and I'd already taken the long and 
winding road by that time to find out that with my TWH mare, Holly.  The 
downside (or upside, depending on your perspective) was that his videos 
didn't teach me anything about distinguishing a foxtrot from a saddle rack, 
for instance.  I think you're pretty far along in your PNH program with 
Drifa, right - at least into Level 2?  Then my guess is that you won't have 
any trouble showing how to demonstrate (or have him show you how to show) a 
"natural gait."  But, if you (the generic "you", not Penny particularly) 
happen to have a horse that's genuinely and readily multi-gaited (meaning 
that it's just as easy for the horse to do a foxtrot as running walk or 
saddle rack, for instance), then I'd do a review of Lee Ziegler's book, 
Easy-Gaited Horses, or review some stuff from Liz Grave's website.  I think 
PNH or similar is a good foundation for any horse, gaited or not, but I like 
to layer the Lee/Liz stuff on top when I get serious about distinguishing or 
requesting different gaits.

>>> I spoke with Drifa about it and she says I am hopeless.  Anyhow - if 
>>> anyone is coming to the Expo, I hope that you will find me and say "hi".

Tell Drifa that you may be hopeless, but it's up to her to save the day!  I 
wish I could see it.  I hope you can get someone to video and maybe put some 
on YouTube.  Good luck and have a great time!

Karen Thomas, NC

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