Virginia says:

My horses have a drink after they eat or graze but overall they're not
drinking a lot of water compared to the reading I've been doing about
all the gallons of water a horse needs per day.



Congratulations on having your horses at home! My favourite thing is to look
out the window and see 5 heads bent to graze!


My horses aren't drinking from the water trough much at all right now. I am
in Southern Ontario. They still have loose poop from all of the grass, so I
don't worry about it. When It gets hot they will drink more, especially if
the water is cool. In the winter I find they prefer warm H2O.


Since you're keeping the manure around, I have had good luck with fly
parasites. I spread them on the manure every couple of weeks and it seems to
make a big difference. It costs about $30 every two weeks, but we are all
happier for it. I start mid may and finish in October.


Laura - with Atli and Bjalla


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