Give Your Horse a Want-To Attitude
> >>
> So who thinks this is a good idea?  How about chunking down exercises and
> helping horses learn what you want instead of don't want?  What about
> clicker training and building a relationship instead of dictatorship - I
> didn't raise my kids the way he suggests and they turned out great and I
> don't treat my horses like that either.
> robyn

In this article he talks about being an 'active' rider as the solution so you 
are always asking your horse to DO something---and terms other kinds of riders 
as 'reactive' ....but what about the riders who are abit between both?  I don't 
ride just to give myself another JOB.  I want to enjoy the ride, relax 
some...but if I see a big juicy leafy branch across the trail right at horse 
eating level I'll tweek the reins so slightly as if to say "nope" and usually 
my horse will be, "oh, she's still awake...can't eat those".   

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