>>> If we do not use a system it is like 'pinning the tail on the donkey'. 
>>> We have an excellent internationally recognised well documented system 
>>> of assessment and we should use it to help us make informed decisions. 
>>> Are the odds of pinning the tail in the correct place on the donkey 
>>> better or worse than winning the Euro lottery:-)"

Who says it's excellent?   The only people I've heard call it that are 
puffed up chest-beaters within the breed.  And, actually, I think it's a lot 
worse to have a bad standard than no standard at all.  Without the "breeding 
evaluations" maybe more people would look to knowledgeable horsemen outside 
this little closed-circle.

>>> What type of system bases gait scored on manipulated gaits and expects 
>>> future generations to inherit them?

Here's another example of something ludicrous I read just this week. 
Someone said her mare got a lower conformation score as she aged.  Why? 
She's had a few babies and showed some of the unfortunate signs all of us 
who've been pregnant have discovered - the effects of gravity.  But, for 
heaven's sakes, these are supposed to be BREEDING evaluations.   It makes NO 
sense that a mare should be penalized for doing the very thing the 
evaluations are for.  With that logic, I suppose men should move on to a 
new, younger trophy wife after each wife has a baby, since that implies that 
the DNA somehow gets corrupted if the outside of the "package" isn't quite 
so pristine any more.  Sheesh.

Karen Thomas, NC

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