what was the man that was doing these crosses trying to accomplish?  Was he 
trying to add something to Icelandics
 and correct something - he'd be interesting to talk to.

When I first heard about these crosses, from someone who agreed with me in 
thinking he was spoiling a good thing, I had to wonder why but I also 
admired his quite optismistic thinking.  Niels West was a very elderly man. 
I couldn't understand how he imagined that  he would ever be alive to find 
out if anything he did in developing a new strain of horses would come to 

By the time we went up to look at the ponies for sale when they disbursed 
his herd, he was living in a nursing facility following a debilitating 
stroke.  I have pictures of him somewhere around here.

Anyway, we went up to look for a nice young gelding, told them flat out we 
did not want to look at any ponies that were not purebreds, ete etc.

I didn't like the only colt they had, most of the mares were either bred or 
had foals at side.  Yrsa was too young (age 3), so I finally agreed to look 
at Toscs, 3/4 Icelandic.  She was very aloof and the barn man put a halter 
on her immediately so that he could be sure to catch her if I wanted to see 
her.  As we looked at the other mares and fillies, she stood back at the 
fringes of the group.

For some reason, I decided to forgive her mixed heritage and bought her and 
the purebred Yrsa, actually to keep her company.

I don't think she particularly pretty or cute, but we have a very nice 
bonding going on and she seems really to enjoy the tough mountain trail 
riding we do.

I still not ready to declare her a therapy horse.  She may never be ready.


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