> --- Renee Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I was surprised to see you gals taking the
> > chance of witnessing (or 
> > hearing) of another tragedy.

---- susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I fully expected history to be made and a new
> triple crown winner.   . . .  He wasn't the
> same horse as 3 weeks ago.  So, I guess I'm only
> human.  Oh, and I love hockey fights too ;-)

Snort!  You are so bad.  : )   (Don't forget the Nascar fans hoping for a good 
crash too!  ha ha.)

  You know, I never have had any problem watching grown humans fight with each 
other (boxing), but I can't handle when animals are treated like objects for 
the amusement and money making of the humans.    
    I just try to avoid seeing something that will upset me for weeks 
afterwards.    I had to quit watching Animal Cops  and most of the programs on 
Animal Planet for the same reason.    I'm sure some will see that as cowardly, 
but it's really just self-preservation.      I've been this way my whole life 
and as I get older, it seems I get worse.   I remember seeing an after school 
special on the extinction of the Eskimo Curlew when I was 11.   It really 
affected me and it was an animated special! -- but factual.    I became rather 
obsessed with how over-populated the world is and the damage humans have done 
to it from that point on.   I kinda wish I was different in that regard, but . 
. . Oh well, I am what I am as Popeye says.

-- Renee M. in Michigan   

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