I have gone to some clinics run by certified trainers just one step
removed from the guru and they were awful.  Just one step removed.  In
fact, I went to one John Lyons certified trainer clinic and actually
if I had not known better I would have thought I had stumbled into a
holy roller church camp meeting.  They preached for three hours, had
lunch, preached for an hour, and then slung a rope at the rear end of
a huge andalusian stallion while he ran around the roundpen acting
like a nut for an hour, then "trained" a horse someone had paid to
have them work with, and in the middle of the session, after about
fifteen minutes, they had to stop because the horse staggered, laid
down, rolled, got up, started pouring sweat, and we all got to watch a
nice show horse colic for about an hour.  All I learned was maybe I
should just go see john lyons but after that i decided I dont think
john lyons has much to offer me!  heck I can make a horse colic all by
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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