>>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2483281329905478686  Here is a 
>>> link to a video I made today of Cali in the arena where Svort lives. 
>>> ... For about 15 minutes or so they both walked
around picking at grass, then suddenly Cali started to circle the ring.  I 
do not think she was upset, her ears were forward, her movements were 
controlled, and Svort was not worried at all, so I am pretty certain she 
just felt like stretching her legs and showing off.   When I left them 
tonight they had even spent a few minutes doing some mutual grooming.  I 
think all is well.

What a nice little canter!   I know you won't be riding her immediately and 
probably a while longer before canter enters the picture, but that looks 
like a comfy one.  Ironically, that's about the best view of her canter I 
ever saw, even though she was here for about seven months.  Our pastures are 
shaped such that when I saw her, she was usually cantering away from or 
towards me - I don't think I saw many side views of her canter.  (Since she 
had "a thing" from having been chased, we certainly weren't going to chase 
her in the round pen...)  I think you're right though - her ears are 
forward, and Svort isn't concerned, so I think she just had some pent up 
energy, maybe from the trailer ride yesterday.  I'm glad to see her looking 
happy with her new "sister."

I have pictures of her loading into the trailer to go home - would you care 
if I sent them to the list?  Cali hadn't been trailered many times, so we 
weren't sure how easily she'd load into Jacki's trailer, but she loaded like 
a pro, only stopping briefly to smell the ramp and sides before going in.

Karen Thomas, NC

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